
Why Most eCommerce Stores Fail?

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Why Most eCommerce Stores Fail?

Read this guide to know about " Why Most eCommerce Stores Fail?"

Frequently, potential clients inquire, ” Why Most eCommerce Stores Fail?” so, there are a lot of factors; some are under our control as an eCommerce design business, and some are up to you as the customer. Now let’s get started!

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eCommerce Failure Rate

The first explanation is straightforward: poor marketing, a subpar website design, and inadequate website hosting are all factors in eCommerce failure. To achieve the highest return on investment in the early stages, you need to have a plan.

According to recent research, 90% of newly established businesses fail. The situation with eCommerce  is comparable. Less than 20% of them succeed in e-commerce, with 80%–90% of them failing. That could give you the chills if you’re beginning or already operating an internet business.

22 Reasons Why Do Ecommerce Sites Fail

Below are the 22 reasons that why do eCommerce sites fail.

Poor Product Content

Even though you know your thing, have a great product, and have conducted thorough market research, your product listing is just a blurry photo with some badly written words.

It appears to be something from an unreliable Amazon vendor or something from eBay, not a flourishing online store. You need to be aware that everyone is watching you and that using bad grammar is never an acceptable explanation (hey, Grammarly). Make sure that a bad launch doesn’t cause you to provide the wrong impression or diminish the value of your brand.

Product characteristics are combined with obvious benefits for the client in an easy-to-read style. Sometimes plain language is preferable to convoluted, flowery words. Consider the impact your UI has on the user experience.

Too Much Friction

Making sure that your checkout process is as simple and painless as possible helps prevent customers from abruptly leaving your marketing funnel. It’s important to get this straightforward adjustment correctly.

Furthermore, you want to consider using checkout trust signals. To allay consumers’ concerns about unfamiliar businesses and brand-new websites, collaborate with a few reputable payment processors. Recurring business, gathering the necessary data, providing excellent customer service, and allowing customers to continue with their day are the main objectives.

Not Aligning Your Pricing and Ads

You must control the expectations of your clients. The removal of a cart is significantly influenced by hidden fees. Don’t wait until the last minute to disclose any unforeseen expenses because your customers must receive exactly what they ordered. Make sure your store has a shipping calculation widget; there are many available for free or at a very low cost.

The same is true for deceptive advertisements; if you direct customers to a landing page or offer that doesn’t correspond with the advertisement they clicked, all of your hard work will be undone. Never jeopardize your clients’ trust in that way; the results won’t be favorable.

Not Having a Clear Return Policy

You will always receive returns from your online business, regardless of its level of success. Your company will appear untrustworthy if you don’t have a return policy that is clear and easy to locate.

If people are unaware of your return policy or where to discover it, you cannot expect them to purchase anything from you or anybody else. Make sure it’s clearly visible next to every product on your website, and if they decide to purchase from you, have it sent to them via email along with their receipt.

Possessing one will also benefit you in situations where individuals you deal with enjoy purchasing goods for a brief period of time, returning them, and then attempting to receive a whole refund. It will shield you in the event that they take legal action against you if you have explained to them the details of your return policy and have it emailed to them in the event that they attempt to return a product during a period of time that is not covered by it. 

Poor Money Management

We all know that having money is necessary for starting any kind of business. To finance your firm, the appropriate level of cash flow is required. You must have it, or your business will soon come to an end.

Make sure you don’t overspend on any aspect of your e-commerce firm, including marketing and the amount of software required to keep everything running efficiently. It is preferable to underspend and adjust while having the money to do so than to overpay and run out of money.

When it comes to inventory, if you overorder, your products won’t sell for a long time, and worse, your customers won’t be happy if your supplier takes a long time to complete orders and ship them out.

To determine the demand for your product and modify the order accordingly, it is preferable to test a lesser quantity of inventory. It’s best to place orders from a few different suppliers to see which ones you like most.

Ignoring the Importance of Mobile UX

In the past six months, 62% of smartphone users have made a transaction using their devices. Such numbers highlight how important it is to design a responsive online store that functions on all platforms. Fortunately, there are no longer any justifications for a subpar mobile experience in 2023 because the technology to assist you get there is rather simple these days.

Learn the specifics of what constitutes a successful mobile user experience for your store. When you use Shopify’s store builder, a mobile-friendly store is generated for you immediately. On the other hand, additional development effort may be required for anyone working with a highly customized system like Drupal to get everything just perfect. If you have decided to use a shopping app, make sure it has undergone extensive testing prior to its public release.

In any case, it’s worthwhile to take the time to test your store yourself across a range of gadgets, including tablets and laptops, at varying internet speeds as well as from various IP addresses and locations across the globe.

It’s simple for a customer to leave your website if they find it tough to use. It is your responsibility to assure they don’t have to.

Having a Lackluster Marketing Strategy

Consider your target audience. Who do they represent? What does your brand attract to them? Which social networking sites do they utilize? When creating your marketing plan, these inquiries are crucial.

At some point, even the smallest firms will have to make paid media investments. Compared to other paid advertising formats, social media ads are an inexpensive and effective approach to increase visitors to your online store.

A successful internet business relies largely on social media advertisements, as there are an estimated 1.39 billion active Facebook users monthly.

Not Optimizing for SEO

Though it might seem like something you would use later, it is advisable to use SEO from the beginning of your eCommerce website. Determine which keywords are the most crucial to you.

You should, at the very least, include them in the title tags of your pages using appropriate search phrases that closely relate to your products. To increase your chances of ranking in search results, it is best to use keywords with the largest volume and the least amount of competition.

Not Planning and Testing Products

People mistakenly believe that starting a successful internet store just requires choosing any product and selling it online.

If this were a fantasy, that would be fantastic, but the reality is that you cannot simply launch a product without first testing it. To achieve success, market research must be conducted using software and competitor analysis.

Working in Saturated Niches

Avoid entering a market niche where competitors are overly generic and trying to sell the same goods. You will not succeed by selling dog collars. If, however, you specialize in military dog collars, your chances may be higher.

Essentially, though, the message is to avoid entering a niche market with a product as generic as dog collars or fitness monitors, which are oversaturated with competitors. If you want to be successful, you must be able to hone in on a specialty and then a smaller one.

Furthermore, you don’t want to market goods that rival well-known brands like Adidas and Nike. It would be impossible to sell sneakers, gym wear, and other related products that are dominated by certain brands in certain areas. 

One and Done

Some people give up easily when they encounter difficulties with their plans. This is also usual in the eCommerce industry. Even with all the preparation and rival research you’ve done, you might be tempted to close your business and give up if sales of your selected product fall short of your expectations.

It’s crucial to keep in mind, though, that e-commerce success is not always assured, and there could be a number of reasons your product isn’t selling as well as you’d want.

So, before giving up, you should at the very least check out three or five goods. If you give up after just one product, you’ll never know what could have been, but you will learn from your past mistakes.

Focusing Too Much on The Front End

You need strong business cards, a memorable brand name, and an attractive website for any kind of business, not only e-commerce. However, such components won’t sustain your company over the long haul. Building a solid backend is also essential, as it is what will keep your company afloat.

Because they are the ones who will sustain your business, take into account your consumers’ experiences and how they connect with your website. The features that improve the efficiency of your website must be available.

Poor Site Navigation

You want your website to be easy to navigate and easy on the eyes, just like the checkout procedure. In e-commerce, labels which should be clear and images which influence navigation more than text are some of the most important navigational components. People who could have become clients will be turned off by a website with poor navigation.

Your consumer expects everything to be simple, quick, and intuitive from exploring the website to locating products and all the steps in between.

Annoying Pop-Ups

A potential customer finds very little more frustrating than visiting a website to decide whether or not to make a purchase, only to have a pop-up window emerge a few seconds later.

Popups are perfectly acceptable on websites, but there are some situations and occasions when they should be used. An instant popup may annoy your potential consumer when they are simply deciding whether or not to buy from a website. Those who don’t seem to see the exit button will eventually become disinterested and frequently depart from your website.

If you are going to employ a popup, it is recommended that it show up a few minutes after a person lands on your website. It would be much more beneficial if it were to activate in response to a specific website action, such as a user adding items to their cart. Adding an incentive, such as a discount or a free add-on to something they are already planning to buy, is another wise move.

Required Registration

Asking visitors to register just a few minutes after they visit your website will irritate them even more. If you expect people to register or not be able to visit your site, the majority of them will quit. After only a short while of getting to know someone, you wouldn’t ask them out, would you? Naturally not, and it is identical to your website.

Let’s say you want someone to visit your website regularly and possibly even become a fan; first, they need to learn about your brand and offerings. That will decide if they will abandon your site because they don’t like it, make a single transaction, or return later in life.

Not Having Customer Service

Without customer service, no matter how big or little your business is, you won’t get very far. People will have questions when you sell products online, and if you are unable to respond to them or don’t have a team that can, they will go on to your rivals.

A letter of complaint was the only recourse available to customers who received poor customer service ten to fifteen years ago; after that, you would receive a refund.  All they would need to do in this day and age, when everyone carries a computer around in their pocket, is express their emotions publicly online for everyone to see.

According to a 2017 aspect poll, 54% of respondents stated they had a negative encounter with a firm that caused them to cease doing business with them; among millennials, that percentage rises to 61%.

Selling the Wrong Products

 A primary cause of website failure is product failure. You’re in a difficult situation right away if you’re trying to offer a product that nobody wants. When launching an online store, this is the most important choice you will make. What ought to be sold? If you market your website appropriately and have a value proposition, you can still make a name for yourself even if there are a lot of other websites selling the same thing (like name brand shoes). Verify that customers who see your products online want to purchase them! 

Shipping Cost is Too High

It’s difficult to pay for shipping. We all hate it. Who would want to pay $20 for shipping on a $35 item? $35 may be a wonderful deal, but it feels like you’re getting extra for nothing! Make every effort to provide free shipment and reduce shipping costs. Once more, let me emphasize: that shipment is free. You’ll make WAY more money! 

No Promotions or Urgency

Hurry up with the promotions! Give someone a cause to purchase right now! Many websites that I know of consistently feature a 15% discount deal. This is due to the fact that they raised their pricing by 15% and now consistently present their products as being on sale. Simple enough. Additionally, ensure that your fantastic deals are accessible on the internet. To countdown to the sale, set a timer.

Bad Product Photos

According to an old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” A visitor can learn about your goods by looking at photographs if they don’t want to read several lines (who does?). Make sure that consumers can view the details by zooming in. Show it if your product deserves to be seen from several perspectives or from the back! 

No Value Proposition

Be unique. Your business must be special in some way. Inform them if your products are organic or if you have a charitable affiliation. Your visitors won’t be able to come up with an argument for choosing to buy from you over a rival if you can’t.

Lack of Calls to Action

Make sure the button is noticeable if you’re trying to persuade someone to add something to their cart. Make sure your phone number is available if you want them to give it a call. Make sure you’re always directing users toward a sale, informing them where to go, and what to do next.

eCommerce Failure Examples

Following are some of the eCommerce failure examples:


When Tutorspree first launched in 2011, it served as a marketplace for parents to locate tutors for their kids. They generated an estimated $1.8 million in revenue after two years.

However, everything came to an end when Google modified its SEO algorithm. That usually isn’t a big concern for any organization because they can adjust and find clients in other ways besides SEO.

Regretfully, Tutorspace was not exempt from this. They erred by depending solely on one method of customer acquisition, and shortly after going out of business, they were no more.

Businesses should allocate half of their marketing budget to a high-risk plan and the other half to a lower-return, tried-and-true method. Nothing ever works out well when you put all your eggs in one basket. Thus, take a cue from Tutorspace and split up your acquisition strategies into multiple channels rather than just one.

Toys R Us

In the past, Toys R Us was the most popular store in America for parents to purchase toys for their kids. However, they chose to enter into a deal with Amazon and delegate online order fulfillment to them in the early days of e-commerce.

Toys R Us eventually ended their contract, but it was clear that they were only paying attention to the initial phase of a customer’s trip. Fundamentally, direct customer interaction attends to the preferences of the client at every stage of the customer journey something that Toys R Us finally failed to accomplish. Ironically, this led to them being forced out of business by the very corporation they had battled so valiantly to avoid having to sign a contract in the first place.

It doesn’t matter how big or successful your business is. Your customer will quickly forget about you if you disregard them and fail to provide them with customer service.

VO2 Sportswear

Upon recognizing that there was a lack of appropriately designed triathlon apparel brands, Matthew took the initiative to launch VO2 Sportwear.

The company made £250,000 in its third year through social networking, sponsorships, and SEO, but it was unable to control its financial flow and eventually closed. The primary causes of the collapse were hiring too quickly, not comprehending the impact of overtrading, and not diversifying enough. They could have made more money throughout the winter if they had shifted into one or two winter sports. 


E-commerce businesses fail between 80% and 90% of the time. When establishing an eCommerce firm, a lot of mistakes can be made, so do your research before making a financial commitment.

In eCommerce, delivery and shipping can provide significant challenges. Customers expect their purchases to be delivered promptly and reliably, therefore online retailers need to have effective logistics systems in place to live up to this expectation.

Wrapping Up

eCommerce businesses fail between 80% and 90% of the time. When starting an eCommerce business, many mistakes are made, but in order to stay in business or see the entire eCommerce firm fail, you as the entrepreneur need to be aware of the aforementioned blunders.