
What is Digital Marketing? Types, Benefits & Best Practices

Maximize your reach by learning about the types, benefits and the best practices of digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing? Types, Benefits & Best Practices

Maximize your reach by learning about the types, benefits and the best practices of digital marketing.

One of the most well-liked and effective ways to increase sales, interest, and recognition for what you’re selling is through digital marketing. Digital marketing is done through digital channels, such as social media, websites, email, text messaging, and search engines, as the term suggests.

You must be aware of which digital marketing types will be most effective for your target market if you want the greatest possible outcomes. This article provides a thorough analysis of the best practices and digital marketing types along with the benefits that can help you accomplish your business objectives. 

Table of Contents

Digital marketing, commonly referred to as online or internet marketing, is the practice of spreading communications via digital channels that can be used by electronic devices such as computers, tablets, and phones.  

Digital marketing, has grown rapidly as a result of the emergence of social media, platforms, the expansion of corporate websites, and improvements in email technology. Due in large part to the increased usage of digital technology, online marketing has become an essential part of most companies’ marketing strategies. It also produces excellent results.  

The ultimate objective of both digital and traditional marketing, including print advertisements and direct mail, is to increase product awareness and influence consumer decisions to increase sales. The primary distinction between digital and traditional marketing, is that the latter makes use of internet-connected tools for audience engagement and communication. 

Quick Facts

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

To increase their market share and advertise their products and services to potential customers, businesses may use a variety of marketing strategies and media. It takes a combination of sales acumen and advertising expertise to succeed. These responsibilities are performed by professional marketers, either in-house at specific businesses or outside at marketing agencies that might work with a wide range of clients.

In the past, businesses relied solely on print, radio, and television for their marketing efforts.

The internet gave businesses a new means to reach customers and gave rise to digital marketing, even though those alternatives are still available.  

In Companies were compelled to reconsider their marketing strategies and budgets in light of emerging technologies and trends. In the early stages of digital marketing, email became a prominent medium for marketing. Afterwards, the emphasis switched to search engines like Netscape, which enabled companies to mark and keyword goods to gain visibility. The growth of social media marketing platform such as facebook allowed businesses to monitor user data and target very specific audiences with their messaging.


Why is Digital Marketing Important? 

There has never been a more difficult time for businesses to find efficient ways to market their products and services if they are to succeed. More options from more sources compete for the attention of consumers. Making an impression is possible through using digital marketing tools to provide engaging information.

This is just another reason why digital advertising is so crucial for companies: it’s where your ideal client is hanging out. Globally, there will be 4.88 million social media  users and 5.19 billion internet users by 2023, according to Statista’s research specialists. Internet users log on for six hours and forty minutes a day on average.

Digital marketing channels have evolved since the 1990s and continue to do so. Following are the types of digital marketing channels use today.

  1. Inbound marketing
  2. Content marketing
  3. ABM
  4. SEO
  5. social media marketing
  6. Email marketing
  7. PPC advertising
  8. Video marketing
  9. Online (and in-person) events
  10. Chatbot and live chat marketing
  11. Earned media
  12. Influencer outreach
  13. Chatbot marketing
  14. Virtual reality marketing

We’ve dedicated an entire blog to digital marketing strategies and their types. Read this blog to delve deeper into this invaluable knowledge, which will guide you to success in your future business endeavors.

Benefits of Digital Marketing 


The fact that digital marketing can reach such a huge audience has contributed to its growing popularity. But it also provides plenty of other benefits that can strengthen your marketing campaign.

Using digital marketing has a number of significant benefits. The principal advantages are as follows:

Inbound Marketing vs Digital Marketing: Which Is It?

We have what you’re seeking if you’re simply looking for short definitions. Any sort of marketing that takes place on a digital platform is known as digital marketing. Digital marketing is everything you do via email, social media, or your website. One such marketing strategy is called inbound marketing. It’s a method of marketing that attracts qualified leads instead of broadcasting to a large audience, mainly through the use of digital marketing strategies.

You get it? Fantastic. If you’re not quite there yet, continue reading.

The domain of digital marketing is filled with technical terms. If you’re not familiar with the sector, terms like PPC, online marketing, inbound marketing, SEO, calls-to-action (Read this guide to know more), and digital marketing might be confusing. Even for those who are, certain vocabulary words don’t seem all that different.

It can be challenging to distinguish between these two forms of marketing. Although the terms are sometimes used together, they refer to and include different kinds of marketing. We’ll now explain the differences between digital and inbound marketing for those who have been wondering what they are: 

Any marketing strategy used on a digital platform is referred to as digital marketing in this context. Thus, individual digital marketing strategies include things like social media campaigns, website banners, and SEO optimization.

Digital marketing is a broad field with many applications, but the phrase itself doesn’t suggest any particular approach. Consider it closer to a marketing toolkit filled with all the tools you need to boost traffic, build brand awareness, and gain internet visibility.  

Inbound Marketing

In contrast to marketing , inbound marketing follows exact steps and best practices and is a well-defined marketing plan. Even though an inbound marketing plan uses many digital marketing strategies, such as blogging and SEO optimization, it follows a set procedure that attracts qualified traffic and produces leads.

It’s a comprehensive, continuous approach that includes several targeted actions. Digital marketing strategies assist inbound marketers in implementing their core principle, which is to prioritize customers.

Does Online Marketing Work for All Businesses?


Any business in any industry can use digital marketing. Digital marketing still requires providing quality online content and developing buyer personas to determine the demands of your audience, no matter what your business sells.

That is not to argue, though, that every company should use the same approach when implementing a digital marketing strategy

If your organization is business-to-business (B2B), you’re probably focusing your digital marketing efforts on generating web leads so that someone can get in touch with a salesperson.

Your digital marketing plan may aim to support digital channels and draw in and convert the best leads for your sales representatives through your website. You’ll most likely decide to concentrate your efforts on business-oriented platforms like LinkedIn, where members of your target audience spend their online time, in addition to your website. 

Depending on the cost of your products, if your firm sells to consumers directly (B2C), the aim of your digital marketing campaigns is probably to draw visitors to your website and convert them into buyers without ever having to deal with a salesperson. Instead of concentrating on “leads” in the conventional sense, you’re probably more likely to create a faster buyer’s journey from the moment a visitor comes to your website to the moment they make a purchase.

This could indicate that, in comparison to a B2B company, your product characteristics are higher up in the marketing funnel, and that, to encourage transactions, you may require stronger calls-to-action. Channels like Pinterest and Instagram are frequently more beneficial for B2C businesses than business-oriented websites like “LinkedIn” 

Digital Marketing Best Practices

Even if digital marketing has a lot of potential to improve business outcomes, you still must be aware of what makes a successful campaign. You have a far higher chance of getting the fantastic outcomes you desire when you use direct marketing best practices.

Set Objectives for Your Digital Marketing 

Prior to doing any kind of digital marketing you’ll be required to set SMART goals. What specifically do you hope to achieve? Top digital marketing objectives include, for instance:

  • Boost traffic to websites
  • Increase brand recognition
  • Increase consumer interest in your brand
  • Establish yourself as an authority in your field and produce more quality leads
  • Increase the size of your email prospect database.
  • Boost revenue

Target the People You Want to Reach

Before choosing your digital marketing platforms and content marketing tactics, you need to have a clear understanding of your target demographic. If not, you run the risk of creating inaccurate messaging or employing ineffective digital marketing strategies.

Finding similar characteristics such as age, gender, income and education levels, geographic areas, interests, and buying habits is the first step in defining your target audience. The next step is to pinpoint the precise issues or urgent requirements that your target audience is experiencing. After you have a strong understanding of your target market, you can create digital marketing content that emphasizes how your company addresses their main issues or meets their demands. 

Define Your Budget for Digital Marketing 

By creating a budget for digital marketing you may avoid under or overpaying. Your digital marketing budget will be on target if you have defined marketing goals and success targets.

You have the option of setting aside money for each digital platform separately or for your entire campaign. To create a solid budget, it’s critical to have a firm grasp of the expenditures associated with digital marketing. When implementing your digital marketing strategy, don’t forget to consider the technologies you’ll need, such as social media management tools, email marketing website hosting, and SEO software.

You have to look at the fees associated with the platforms you want to use if you want to undertake PPC advertising. PPC expenses vary depending on the platform, and on their advertising portals, Google AdWords and the majority of social media platforms provide comprehensive details on PPC prices.

You could also have to add marketing services for design, videography, and copywriting in your budget for digital marketing. Working with a traditional marketing agency can cost anywhere from $75 to $300 per hour, depending on your budget. Gig sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and provide freelancers for as low as $15 per hour; these are great options if you’re on a tight budget.

Plan Your Digital Marketing Strategies

For numerous companies, the initial step in digital marketing is to launch a website. Depending on what you’re offering, where your target audience hangs out, and how much you want to spend on digital marketing you can choose which additional digital marketing techniques to use. The most widely used digital marketing strategies are social media, SEO and email; but, your target market may respond better to a different combination. 

Monitor and Analyze Result

One of the best things about digital marketing is that tracking results is not too difficult. You define your desired outcomes when you set your goals. Digital marketing analysis involves comparing your performance to predetermined targets. 

Decide on a frequency for tracking Digital marketing performance data: weekly, monthly, or daily (though the latter is only recommended in the early phases or when spending on Digital marketing is substantial). It is rare for digital marketing initiatives to yield excellent outcomes right away, so don’t give up if your initial attempts at marketing don’t meet your expectations.

Take what you’ve learned from your analysis and apply it to future versions of your digital marketing plans. 


A business technique known as "digital marketing" makes use of online channels to increase sales and brand recognition for products and services. Digital marketing can be done in a variety of methods, such as through email, social media, PPC, SEO, and content marketing.
To increase exposure, interest, and sales of company products and services, a digital marketer uses digital devices and digital marketing strategies like SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing. Strong marketing abilities and proficiency with a range of digital media are essential for becoming a successful digital marketer.
You'll require a computer and an internet connection to begin digital marketing, and you'll need to set down $500 to $1000 upfront plus an additional $50 to $120 a month. likewise require the right software, such as customer relationship management (CRM), email marketing., SEO, and marketing automation software. The monthly cost of these software packages can range from $0 to $500.
Three of the best digital marketing platforms used by business marketers include social media marketing, SEO, and email marketing.

The Bottom Line

One of the most effective strategies available to companies to draw interest in and increase sales of their products and services is digital marketing. Several digital marketing strategies have outstanding return on investment possibilities, including SEO, PPC advertising, email marketingsocial media marketing, and content marketing. For many kinds of companies, digital marketing can be a useful tool because it doesn’t require a big initial investment.