
Instagram Marketing Strategies

Learn the basics of digital marketing to help grow your business.

Instagram Marketing Strategies

Create Effective Instagram Marketing Strategies to Succeed in 2024

Since 2010, Instagram has been a shining beacon for creative and free-spirited people. It is a hub of content creation that helps everyone to showcase the best in their casual or professional lives. Fast forward 14 years later, that is today, Instagram has become one of the biggest social media platforms in the world with over 2 billion global users. Now, many innovative Instagram marketing strategies exist to help creatives and professionals showcase their work.

Selecting an Instagram marketing strategy that could potentially have a positive impact on your business or personal profile can be quite a frustrating task. This requires many key factors to be considered as each of these strategies is unique in its own way.

Eventually, each of these helps the creatives and professionals in promoting their work on Instagram. But you need not to worry about the ‘What and Hows’ of the Instagram marketing strategies because we have got you all covered. In this blog, we bring to you everything that you need to know regarding Instagram marketing strategies.

This is a comprehensive guide for you to have complete information about what sets each of these strategies apart. Read through the complete article, and decide on the creative technique that will uplift your business or personal profile and get you your targeted ROI.

Table of Contents

What is Instagram Marketing?

The practice of using the social media platform for commercial or personal promotion is called Instagram marketing. The platform is equipped with various ways and media styles to help support marketing efforts. Both organic and paid Instagram marketing strategies are applicable on the platform. Features like Instagram Ads, sponsored posts, and partnerships or organic marketing through Instagram Stories, Reels, and posts are always available to complement marketing efforts.

How to Market on Instagram?

Marketing on Instagram is different than conventional marketing methods that involve for example TV ads. The algorithm punishes those businesses that opt for an approach that is aggressively inclined towards sales. It reduces the reach of posts relating to offers, products, or deals. Instead, it prefers to promote real-life experiences and original styles of presenting content. The more unique and out-of-the-box anyone can be; the more reach they get. In simple words, the best Instagram marketing strategies thrive on creativity.

How to Create an Instagram Marketing Strategy?

Creating Instagram marketing strategies is a careful process. A lot of thinking and research goes into it, and each step needs to be data-backed. Also, multiple variations and alternate routes are necessary so a campaign can be effective even in the face of unexpected circumstances. Following are the strategies that will successfully help you elevating your brand and some key aspects that you should consider before, during and after launching your marketing campaign:

Understand Your Audience​

For a business to successfully progress through promotion, it is imperative for the owner to know about the people the brand is going to be promoted to. Hence, for effective marketing, it is necessary to know the target audience and their interest. Knowing your target audience is essential, hence your prospective customers’ behavioral insights are the key to understanding and deciding on your target audience. For your brand to elevate successfully through marketing, understanding and deciding the right target audience will help you in creating an Instagram marketing strategy that is effective for your brand.

Make The Best Instagram Profile Possible​

Your profile is the face of your Instagram presence. It needs to exude the aura of your respective industry, niche, or genre. When creating your Instagram profile, you need to be mindful of the following points:

  • Your profile handle needs to be based on a relevant keyword or brand name.
  • Make sure the bio has a link to your website or store.
  • Educate yourself regarding the image size and aspect ratios on Instagram.
  • The bio description must be precise and relevant to what you are offering.
  • Have at least 9 Instagram posts ready for publishing while creating the profile.
  • Make sure that each post is creative and effective in attracting your target audience.
  • Write interesting and engagement-provoking captions for each post.
  • Add 6 to 7 popular and relevant hashtags to increase your post’s reach.

Align Your Instagram Strategy With Your Business Goals​

You cannot post products or offers without showcasing their experience. However, your strategy needs to revolve around a goal. Having a goal of either generating engagements or visits to your store gives direction to your Instagram strategies.

A few ways to do that:

For sales: Explain and showcase the benefits of having your product.

For engagement: Address a problem that your audience faces and ask relatable questions.

For shares: Simply suggest the viewers share your content if they like it.

However, the effectiveness of your strategy depends on your content being valuable for entertainment, helpfulness, and insightfulness.

Create a Content Calendar

Having a yearly calendar ready for your social media posts can make your Instagram marketing more effective. Special occasions are great opportunities to connect with your audience. It’s a way to personalize your interaction with the audience while making your business a firm part of their long-term memory.

Schedule Your Posts in Advance

Never postpone your postings to the next day. Perfectly following a schedule can be really difficult as any unforeseen circumstance can make you miss days of posting. Therefore, always use Facebook’s free scheduling tool to automate your postings.

Never Miss a Credit/Mention

If you find a content creator, whose idea you would like to copy, make sure to mention them. You need to give them the credit of being the original creator or else, you may receive copyright notices.

Keep an Eye on the Competition

For marketing on Instagram, always keep your competition in your sights. Make sure you know what they are doing and see if it works for them. It’s amazing how many great Instagram marketing ideas and insights can come from your competition. You can even follow their steps and improve upon their shortcomings. If you are creative enough, you can even find cheap alternatives to gain much better results.

Experiment with Different Formats

Maximize the effectiveness of the platform by posting in various formats. Use reels, posts, highlights, and carousels regularly. Moreover, other than utilizing these formats you can also choose to come on Insta-live a few times and promote the brand on live stream and have real-time interaction with your audience.

Come Live with Purpose

When coming lives, you need to have a topic and agenda for your streams. Announce the purpose and date of your livestreams a few days prior, so your audience can see their self-interest in joining.

Set Up an Instagram Shop

Instagram also offers a shop feature that allows you to list your products on the platform. The Instagram shop gives your products a better reach than regular posts, and also reduces the steps between your customers and products.

Boost Top-Performing Posts

If some of your posts are performing well, you can improve their impact by boosting posts. Boosting gives your profile a compounding effect, which improves the overall performance of your Instagram marketing.

Measure Content Performance with Analytics

Keep an eye on your content’s performance. Each post offers direction on what your audience finds entertaining or helpful. This way, you can optimize your Instagram strategy and improve it to cater to your viewers better.

Turn Instagram Stories into Highlights

Instagram stories have great reach, but they are temporary. Plus, you only share the most impactful moments as stories. With highlight reels, you can preserve their impact and prolong it by making them permanent on your profile. These highlight reels appear at the top like pinned posts and are a quick way to grab a visitor’s interest.

Focus on User-Generated Content

If you can build a strong engagement with your viewers, you can prompt them to create reactions or feedback content. You can also interact with real-life people and ask them to test your product. This method captures genuine reactions. Now, people will post about your product and tag you in their captions. These interactions lead the algorithm to consider your profile or product as a buzz generator, which increases your reach.

Try Instagram Ads

If you intend to generate leads or bring people on other communication channels, then utilize Instagram ads. These ads empower your campaign to collect valuable data, reach significantly more people, and share information in more effective ways.

Create Community

Once you gain enough followers, you can create a community surrounding your brand. Communities are the peak of business marketing on Instagram. They turn your business into an automated sales and marketing enterprise. This way, organizing live and online events becomes easier. It provokes users to generate content regarding their experience, spreading your name to their loved ones. If handled correctly, communities can trigger a compounding effect when marketing your business on Instagram.

Partner Up

Partnering with popular influencers in your industry can be a game changer. These celebrity figures can endorse your products or services, prompting their loyal audience to leave you with an empty stock or a full schedule.

Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy​

Stay flexible with your Instagram marketing strategies because nothing always goes as planned. Be sure to plan alternate directions in case your campaigns are not effective on the first try. Changing your strategies along the way can optimize it to cost less and gain more results.

Don’t Forget About Support​

Make sure that a support agent is kept on standby on Instagram so visitors can have someone to talk to. They will ask about your product in both comments and messages. Therefore, someone must be available to address their concerns.

Helpful Instagram Marketing Tools: Free & Paid

Helpful Instagram marketing tools: free & paid

Businesses need tools to streamline their Instagram marketing. Many paid and free tools exist to automate your efforts on the platform.

  • Hootsuite (Paid): One of the most popular online social media management tools that can help you schedule months ahead.
  • Ads Manager (Free): Facebook’s Ads Manager is a free tool from Meta that helps manage paid ads on both Facebook and Instagram.
  • Instagram hashtag generator (Free): Hashtag generators often come built-in with social media management tools. They help businesses find popular hashtags to improve their post’s reach.
  • Instagram bio generator (Free): Another tool often available in SM management tools, it helps businesses generate relevant and interesting profile bios.
  • Canva (Paid/Free): This tool makes it easy to design attractive posts for Instagram marketing in GIF, JPEG, PNG, MP4, and other formats.
  • Content Ideas Generator (Paid/Free): There are many free and paid content idea generators available. These help businesses capture trends and gain inside knowledge regarding creative content
  • Panoramiq Insights (Free): Part of the Hootsuite dashboard, it’s an analytical tool that helps a business monitor their profile while observing all the insights on a single screen.
  • Instagram caption generator (Free): A built-in feature of Hootsuite to speed up caption writing for social media
  • Engagement rate calculator (Free): A tool that helps users calculate the engagement and reach potential of their posts.
  • Adobe Lightroom (Free): A free image management and editing mobile app. It helps to share, edit, and review social media content on the go.

How to Set Up an Instagram Business Account?

How to Set Up an Instagram Business Account?
Setting up an Account is the obvious first step in all Instagram Marketing Strategies. However, normal user accounts lack a few analytical and advertising features, so you need a business account. So, here are the detailed steps on how to sign up on Instagram for business:
  • Download the latest version on your mobile device.
  • Please open it and click sign-up. Next, enter your email or contact number.
  • Create a strong password and create a keyword- or brand-based user handle.
  • Add a profile picture, which should be a logo. Also, make sure that you follow the provided image size dimensions.
  • Write an attractive but clear bio description for your page. Be straight to the point regarding your value for the audience.
  • Once in the profile, tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner. Now, scroll down to locate the settings icon.
  • Check the account type, then click Switch to a professional account. Now, if you are running a business, select a business account, or if you are a digital content creator, then select a creator account.
  • Connect Instagram to Facebook’s business page to share content across platforms and publish simultaneously.
  • Add relevant details like interest, content niche, and business category.
  • Congratulations! Your Instagram business account is ready for marketing.

Instagram Analytics Tools For Marketers

Instagram Analytics Tools for Marketers

In a creator or business account, Instagram unlocks some of its most cool features. For example, the ads manager and the built-in Analytics tool. These tools help you monitor your profile traffic and maneuver your content to suit public interest. The tool is named Instagram Insights, and it gives the most accurate reading compared to any other third-party tool. This built in tools provide the following stats:

Users Reached: Each post shows how many followers and non-followers saw your posts. Plus, it categorizes them on the basis of age, location, and gender.

User Engagement: It shows how the viewers are interacting with your posts by counting likes, comments, views, and clicks.

Growing Followers: It displays a complete chart of daily new followers gained and lost. You can adjust the chart to see the per-date activity or the activity for a certain period.

Content Insights: It shows you which posts are performing best by awarding badges for your achievements. This way, you can focus more on that particular type of content.


There is no single strategy that is fit for all situations. It should be curated as per the type of business and its requirements. Therefore, businesses test trial runs of multiple strategies to find the right solution for their goals. Influencer marketing and user-generated content work best, but each brand needs to test and discover what works for them.
Showcasing the excitement, benefits, effectiveness, and convenience of your product works best. Also, you can display the reactions of users to market the trust. Share their experience, and Instagram will surely find the right customers for you.

Instagram thrives on creative and original content. Its algorithm seeks out content that can prompt a reaction from the viewer. Strong, impactful content produces more reactions and thus gets more reach on the platform.


In today’s modern age, having multiple Instagram marketing strategies is necessary. Every business needs to have a creative and entertaining side to thrive on the platform. However, to market your business effectively on Instagram, you need to be mindful of many steps. Each aspect helps to improve your methods, and if you ignore the steps in this list, you may be losing on potential benefits.

Apply the tips and improvements from our list to maximize your Instagram marketing potential. Optimizing your strategies for the audience and the platform makes sure to yield more ideal results and fulfil your targets faster.